Why subscribe?

The One Necessary Thing offers practical advice on how to put Jesus first in everyday life.

Intentionally spending time with Jesus (first and foremost) will help you navigate life’s challenges—from managing stress to making important decisions— with a Christ-centered approach.

Life is full of decisions on how to spend your time, where to focus your attention, and what to do with your money and talents. Like everyone else, you are likely pulled in many directions! Pressure to build more, do more, and be more is at an all-time high.

It’s enough to make anyone feel behind no matter how much they’re doing.


Is it all necessary?


Here’s something we so easily forget:

Only One Thing is Needed.

                              If we put Jesus first, the rest will all fall into place. 
When our lives are oriented around Him, we can focus on the rest from a place of rest, in Him.

This humble online space aims to offer guidance and encouragement to help you keep Jesus at the center of your life, orienting all else around Him.

Each offering is rooted in biblical principles to keep you rooted and grounded in Christ, grow your love for God and others (the two greatest commandments!), and provide insight, interpretations, and application of scripture for your spiritual growth.

Subscribe to get full access to the newsletter and publication archives. Your time is valuable and won’t ever be overused or taken advantage of.

What you can expect

  • Biblical Wisdom

  • Encouragement and Hope

  • Countercultural perspectives

  • Scripture Memorization Challenges

  • Short Devotionals

  • Practical Insights

  • Transformative Stories

  • Thought-provoking, Transformation-inducing Questions & Opportunities

  • Intentionally curated resources to grow your faith

Join the Kingdom crew

Be part of a community of like-minded believers who want to grow spiritually, deepen their relationship with Jesus, and live every day through the lens of Scripture.

Participate in the notes & comments sections with questions, thoughts, and encouragement, or simply quietly support this work with a subscription.

The Kingdom of God is a
Holy Place
Reserved for those who are
Seeking His face

Righteous because of the
Blood of the Lamb
Reliant on Him while boldly
Taking a stand

Speaking life and light
To all who are near
Sharing God’s love and
Praying they’ll hear

Welcoming all to surrender
To Him
Inviting them into
The Kingdom within

A Kingdom where heaven
And earth coexist
A lifestyle so beautiful
Who should resist?

Where serving is leading
And dying is living
Where less is more
And we gain by giving

Royal creatures we are
When we follow the Lord
Reigning with Him now
Is only part of our reward

Healing and peace
Mercy and grace
All part of the Kingdom
Here and now in this place

Your Host

Lindsey J. Zitzmann is an unlikely pastor’s wife, foster/bio/adoptive mom, certified life coach, and credentialed minister.

You can learn more here.

Ready? See you soon…

Subscribers will also have access to the Life Transformation Group.

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Subscribe to The One Necessary Thing

Jesus first. The rest will follow. (Luke 10:41-42; Matthew 6:33)


Pastor’s wife. Foster, Adoptive & Bio Mom. Certified Life Coach & Licensed Minister